The Interior Designer/Developer/Architect contacts LEMA for the first time, thanks to our targeted expertise and professionalism, we start to understand the project and what the expectations are for the final result.
During this stage, all the prices and technical information is given to the client. Preliminary sketches, quotes, choice of materials and components as well as the samples are discussed.
This is a series of activities where the materials are sourced and where the complex construction drawings are developed and produced. During this stage, LEMA’s know-how is translated into a fine-tuning of materials and details that must satisfy the original plan specification.
During this stage, all the elements that will be supplied for the project are identified and positioned (bedroom, bathroom, reception area etc…). A BOM (Bill of Materials) is created for each individual space.
For each area the assembly procedure is established and coded including the production of a timescale indicating when the various materials will be prepared. This stage is part of the on going monitoring of the work in progress.
All of LEMA’s units and furniture is made in the company’s two factories: Alzate Brianza(specialised in the industrial production of furniture in great quantities, where the key is the relation between quality and price) and Giussano(specialised in producing limited items that require special care such as wood working and lacquering finishes). These custom made products are strictly ‘Made in Italy’ and measure up to the strict USA quality standards.
This stage is of vital importance for our projects. LEMA is able to handle large volumes of finished products in its factories. This makes it possible to deal with demands from the construction site at all times, and allows the USA Contract division to react promptly to any change in plan. Ad hoc packaging is designed for each type of product.
The furnishing elements are delivered following the project’s timescale. A Site Manager is present at all times of assembly to ensure a smooth outcome. Lema USA’s Contract team will take care of all aspects from defining the installation plan to verifying the site logistics and supervising the installation workers and the final handover.
Managing everything from the initial design to budgeting, procurement, through to delivery and after sales service in both the short and long terms.
Lema’s USA team strives to deliver a day two-service provision across both the home and contract divisions. We acknowledge the needs of existing clients are different to those of the new; therefore we place a strong emphasis on our after sales service. We have a manager and team assigned exclusively for this service.
By having unmatched access to high specification furniture and storage units, we are able to source and advise on a wide range of products and services relating to the residential, hospitality and office environment varying according to budget and specific needs.
Each project, regardless of size, is handled with the same care and attention to detail, using the efficiency and quality which Lema is renowned for.