
October 18, 2020


We obtain the UNI ISO 45001 international certification, which certifies Lema's responsibility for the protection of the health and safety of our employees.  Our workers are a valuable resource and are part of a great team. Lema proactively and concretely improves the condition of its employees, preventing injuries and protecting their health.

October 18, 2018


Lema introduces the biomass boiler, fed with waste shavings and sawdust, which covers 80% of the heating of the headquarters and reduces the consumption of the fuel used by 271 toe - tons of oil - equal to a saving of 2.5 MWh and 373 tons of CO2.

November 11, 2015


The plant of our Giussano headquarters inaugurates the use of wood chips for heating, which uses scraps of branches, plants and woody parts cut into small uniform pieces called "chips" as fuel.  This system allows a high energy resistance with low environmental impact, with a reduction in CO2 emissions of 150 tons per year.

November 30, 2012


Lema installs photo voltaic panels at the Alzate Brianza headquarter capable of covering the energy needs of both the offices and the logistical area.  The system produces 218,000 kWh per year with a CO2 saving of 60 tons/year.

October 18, 2012


LEMA is certified with the BS OHSAS 18001 standard which recognizes our commitment to improving working conditions within our production plants.  Lema then acquires the ISO 9001 certification, an international reference standard for quality management.  ISO 9001 establishes adherence to all the programs that aim the continuous improvement of company performance, allowing us to ensure to our customers the maintenance and indeed improvement of the quality of our furniture over time.

October 18, 2011


Lema has chosen to become FSC® certified to help safeguard forests and can supply FSC®-certified products on request.  FCS® is an international, independent and non-profit NGO, which includes among its members both environmental and social groups, indigenous communities, forest owners, industries that work and trade wood, scientists and technicians who work together to improve the management of forests all over the world.

November 5, 2008


Lema completes the restyling of Vodafone stores throughout Italy and the recovery and correct disposal of waste material from previous fittings. This complex turnkey project, was developed exclusively by Lema for 820 shops and 21 flagship stores.