May 8, 2024

MCM - Casa dell'architetto

The excellence of Lema’s products and their versatility took centre stage during Milan Design Week 2024. The company participated in the exclusive showcase "La casa dell’architetto," organised by Marie Claire Maison and curated by designer Francesco Rota. The exhibition, inaugurated on April 16th at the GAM | Galleria d'Arte Moderna, was developed around the theme of interior design and presented the designer's concept of a home, offering a unique and fascinating inspiration. The theme of customisation was at the forefront, and Lema was one of the protagonists thanks to its distinctive furniture. Representing a truly unique way of industrial design thanks to the deep synergy between the Home and Contract divisions, several furnishings from the company were selected to showcase the brand's ability to meet every design need and once again demonstrate its mastery in the art of made to measure.